Pavel Vladimirovich Vinogradov is a cosmonaut and former commander of the International Space Station. As of May 2013, he has flown into space three times and is one of the top 10 astronauts in terms of total time in space. (Wikipedia)
09.10.2012 - Members of the main crew 33/34 long expedition to the ISS - Oleg Novitsky, Eugene Tarelkin (Roscosmos), Kevin Ford (NASA) and their colleagues-doubles - Pavel Vinogradov, Alexander Misurkin (Roscosmos), Christopher Cassidy (NASA) arri...
Members of the crew 33/34 long expedition to the ISS - Pavel Vinogradov, Alexander Misurkin (Roscosmos) and Christopher Cassidy (NASA) visited the "Gagarin Gazebo" where April 10 of 1961, Russian space officials approved Yuri Gagarin to become the...
Morning, October 11 2012 at the end of Flag-raising ceremony in Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, crew members of long expedition to the ISS Oleg Novitsky, Eugene Tarelkin and Kevin Ford answered journalists' questions.
Morning, October 11 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center was held flag raising ceremony of states participating in the program of flight crews 33/34-y long expedition to the ISS. Oleg Novitsky, Eugene Tarelkin, Kevi...
Morning, October 11 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center was held flag raising ceremony of states participating in the program of flight crews 33/34-y long expedition to the ISS. Oleg Novitsky, Eugene Tarelkin, Kevi...
09.10.2012 - Members of the main crew 33/34 long expedition to the ISS - Oleg Novitsky, Eugene Tarelkin (Roscosmos), Kevin Ford (NASA) and their colleagues-doubles - Pavel Vinogradov, Alexander Misurkin (Roscosmos), Christopher Cassidy (NASA) arri...