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Vila do Conde (26)

Views: 6099
The village of Vila do Conde dates back to 953 the first documentary reference to the so-called committee villa, related to the sale of land today called Monte do Mosteiro to the Guimarães Monastery, and where the first inhabitants are believed to have settled. There was a count who lived in Azurara, "with the countess, his wife, of whom he had no children." Returning, once, from a long pilgrimage, sick and sensing death, the count vowed to let go of a white dove and , in the place where it landed, found a convent and a village to which it would give its name. The dove flew and landed in Alto de S.João, where the Count ordered the monastery to be built and the settlement around it, the story concludes. For a long time, the Count of this village was D. Mendes Pais Bofinho. In 953, the town appears under the name of Villa de Comite and Rofinho. Other historians claim that Count Belote was presor and grantee of Vila-Condense lands and that the origin of the toponym Villa de Comite comes from this count
Created 17/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Conimbriga (22)

Views: 3027
Conimbriga, is an old settlement existing since the Copper Age (3300 to 1200 BC), which was an important center during the Roman Empire (10,000 and 15,000 inhabitants) and which after the barbarian invasions, remained inhabited until the 6th century, when Episcopal see went from Conimbriga to Coimbra. Conimbriga is seventeen kilometers south of Coimbra, and was next to the road that came from Sellium (Tomar) to Aeminum (Coimbra). Despite its condition of natural defense, this city has a point of vulnerability that is to depend on its water supply from an aqueduct with 3 km. That could be the main reason for their abandonment, since their survival would be at risk in the event of siege in the middle ages. Part of Conimbriga (part of the Condeixa-a-Velha houses) survived thanks to the existence of a small fountain located there.
Created 16/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Coimbra (52)

Views: 15533
A city of narrow streets, courtyards, stairs and medieval arches, Coimbra was the birthplace of six kings from Portugal and the First Dynasty, as well as the first University of the Country and one of the oldest in Europe. In the 12th century, Coimbra already had an urban structure, divided between the upper city, called Alta or Almedina, where aristocrats, clerics and, later, students lived, and Baixa, of commerce, artisans and neighborhoods riverside. Since the middle of the 16th century, the city's history has revolved around the history of the University of Coimbra, and it was only in the 19th century that the city began to expand beyond its walled hull, which even disappeared with the reforms carried out by the Marquis of Pombal at the end of the 18th century. These reforms will have a major impact, especially in the upper part of the city, where structures such as the Botanical Garden and some colleges of the University are created.
Created 13/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
The University is located on the highest hill in the city, overlooking the Mondego. Founded by King D. Dinis in collaboration with the prior of Santa Cruz, the abbot of Alcobaça and other ecclesiastics, it first established itself in Lisbon under the name "General Study". On August 13, 1290, it was sanctioned by the bull of Pope Nicholas IV. She was transferred to Coimbra in 1308 and here the monarch D. Dinis grants him the academic "forum". D. Afonso IV would transfer it back to Lisbon, from where he would return in 1354. This continuous shuttle and D. Fernando would move it back to Lisbon until D. João III in 1537a definitively installed it in Coimbra. Here, he settled in the old medieval palace that, during the reigns of D. Manuel I and D. João III, underwent major renovations in order to become more comfortable and suitable for his new functions. It was D. João III who offered the Alcáçova Palace to teach some subjects there, however, later, all university classes were transferred to that location. Later, the buildings became the property of the University (1597), as part of the purchase that the institution made to the Spanish monarch D. Filipe III (II of Portugal), who then reigned in Portugal.
Created 06/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
The Monastery of Santa Cruz de Coimbra was founded in 1131 by Arcediago D. Telo, with the protection of D. Afonso Henriques, The Monastery of Santa Cruz follows the rule of the Canons Ruling Saint Augustine. The Romanesque building was located outside the city walls, and its design would be a church with a façade tower, with defensive skills. The work was developed between 1132-1223. Here, an educational institution of the best in Portugal was developed, thanks to its vast library, supported by its active “scriptorium” (a place where monks who copied documents and created books) worked. It was here that Fernando Martins de Bulhões (Santo António) studied. In the reign of D. Manuel, the monastery is reformed. Bishop D. Vaz Vaz Gavião who would have accompanied D. Manuel to Santiago de Compostela in 1502 is named prior to the monastery, and begins the renovation campaign. Jacques Boytac who works in Portugal (Jerónimos, Torre de Belém, Convento de Jesus de Setúbal) since 1492 is the master, and organizes the new church with a single nave of vertical volume that connects with the side chapels. Between 1518-22 the Manueline cloister is finished, now under the orders of the master Marcos Pires, Boytac is "Master of the Works of the Kingdom" and leaves for Arzila where he tries to redo the defenses of that North African stronghold. D. Manuel intends to exalt the first Kings of Portugal, changing the tombs of the old cloister, to the chancel, in two tombs of the highest quality, designed by Nicolau Chanterene and Diogo de Castilho, and sculpted by the same team that worked on the Jerónimos portals. , is also the work of the same team of artists. The beauty of this facade lies in the solution of using the clear tone of the Stone of Ançã for the axial Portal, highlighting it and highlighting it in contrast to the yellow tone of the limestone facade of the area of Bordalo.
Created 06/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
The Old Cathedral of Coimbra, built in the 12th century (1140-1184), during the reign of D. Afonso Henriques and due to D. Miguel Salomão, bishop of Coimbra. It was built on top of another temple. In this place it existed, at least since the century. IX, another temple with invocation to Mariae Virginis. Definitely conquered by Muslims, on July 9, 1064 through Fernando Magno (King of Castile and Leon) and Sizenando Davides, a natural Mozarab from the Tentúgal region, and his first Governor. The temple dedicated to Santa Maria de Coimbra was destroyed in 1117 due to a Muslim attack. Preserving the foundational stone of the previous construction that started to appear in the central nave of the Old Cathedral of Coimbra. Its construction must be understood within a broader strategy of affirming national autonomy and independence. Coimbra, the royal city par excellence in the 12th century, was thus endowed with a very dignified cathedral, which honored not only the city but also the first generation of Portuguese people who were then asserting themselves.
Created 05/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Montalegre (26)

Views: 2812
Montalegre, capital of Terras de Barroso for 734 years, is located in the northernmost fold of the barrosão plateau. In effect, he assumed this privilege, on June 9, 1 273, by letter granted by King D. Afonso III. This monarch erected, for his safety and that of the whole land of Barroso, the admirable mediévica fortress, circumnavigating it from walls, where millennia before our most remote ancestors had built his oppidum (castro). The municipality of Montalegre is located between several mountains, and the west has the Peneda-Gerês National Park. The towns of this municipality still preserve the vernacular architecture of this region. The community oven is a fundamental part of these villages. In almost all the villages in the municipality, where this community property existed, there was an obligation to heat the oven, which went around the houses of the village farmers, who were those who had the means to fetch firewood. As, for example, it happened in Alturas do Barroso, “Anyone who had a group of cows to transport the firewood, to heat the oven, was obliged by the use and custom to heat the oven.” He was called the cooker, and he was also responsible for scheduling the turn of the people who cooked after him. Thus, whoever wanted to cook, went to the cooker, asked him for his turn, to find out who he was going to cook with, and put a sign to mark his turn. The sign could be firewood, bush, etc. and as they started to cook, each one took their mark, so people would know who was going to cook next and prepare the dough.
Created 04/10/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
The area of the Regional Natural Park of Vale do Tua, with approximately 25,000 hectares, is located in Baixo Tua, between the districts of Vila Real and Bragança, and covers the municipalities of Alijó, Murça (right bank of the river Tua), Vila Flor , Carrazeda de Ansiães (left bank) and Mirandela. In its surroundings there is a set of protected areas, namely the Natural Park of Douro Internacional, the Natural Park of Alvão, the Natural Park of Montesinho and the Protected Landscape of Albufeira do Azibo.
Created 30/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
In the 15th century, the documentation related to legacies and validations emerges with more intensity, denoting the existence of noble families, within which, more precisely at Casa da Pereira, the navigator Fernão de Magalhães was born, to whom the plans and partial execution of Earth's first circumnavigation trip. The way of life of these noble families can now be imagined based on the observation of the countless manors and emblazoned houses that are distributed throughout the municipality, which can be appreciated in almost all villages. With the economic prosperity achieved due to the production and trade of wine, the power and influence of this nobility was reinforced, leading to a proliferation of manors in the 18th century. This economic and social start was mainly due to the creation, in 1756, of the Douro Demarcated Region, the first in the world, and to the foundation of the General Company of Agriculture of the Vineyards of the Alto Douro by the Marquis of Pombal.
Created 28/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Chaves (24)

Views: 2070
Chaves is located on a fluvial plateau with (Veiga de Chaves) about 8.5 km long and 3 km wide. The Tamega River flows through it. Roman Legacy Architecture In the historic center of Chaves, it is worth highlighting the houses with wooden balconies and covered porches, using primary and strong colors, which contrast with granite. Houses with 3 floors, where the first floor is made in a cantilever, to gain area, and the last one is also in a cantilever but this time open (balcony) covered with the extension of the roof eaves. The Roman legions that settled here chose the fertile valley of Tâmega, where the city is today, and built fortifications on the periphery, taking advantage of some existing castros. The importance of this urban nucleus was great, and the category of Municipality was elevated in A.D. 79 founded by Tito Flavio Vespasiano, having designated it Aquae Flaviae, in honor of the local thermal waters.
Created 28/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Vinhais (3)

Views: 474
Vinhais was, originally, a castro with a Gallic settlement, transformed by the Romans into a Gallic-Roman castro, with its fortress (oxide). Certainly, the Suevi or Visigoths surrounded the locality of walls and, with the expulsion of the Muslims, Vinhais was devastated, having been repopulated during the domination of the kings of Castile and Leon (D. Sancho II and D. Afonso VI). This restocking was continued by the first Portuguese kings, namely with D. Afonso Henriques, D. Sancho I (O Povoador), D. Afonso II and D. Sancho II. Vinhais received a charter from D. Afonso III, on May 20, 1253, which was granted by the monarch D. Manuel I, on May 4, 1512. In the context of the 1383-1385 Crisis in Portugal, when João I de Castile invaded Portugal in 1384, the castle of Vinhais was one of many that raised the Castilian flag, thus refusing obedience to Mestre de Avis, future João I of Portugal.
Created 26/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
Alvão and Marão form a mountain system that divides two distinct geographical realities, to the west the populous Entre Douro e Minho, and the nascent Trás-os-montes whose name evokes isolation. This sharp separation of climates, uses and ways of life motivated the famous phrase: beyond Marão those who are there send. The Natural Park of Alvão It occupies mainly the west side of the mountain of the same name, a transition zone between the humid coastline and a progressively drier interior as you walk eastwards. This Protected Area includes the large granitic basin where the Olo River is born and an area of shale - Ermelo - where the river flows into place. A quartzite barrier separates granites and shales, creating a steep step whose most notable point is the waterfalls of Fisgas do Ermelo. The villages maintain a rural character that captivates us.
Created 24/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Azibo Albufeira (2)

Views: 248
The Protected Landscape of Albufeira do Azibo, part of which is included in the “Morais” Site of the Natura 2000 Network, constitutes an interesting mixture of Mediterranean and Atlantic flora. Thus, alongside the cerercine oak Quercus faginea and chestnut Castanea sativa, which cohabit with areas of lameiro, the olive tree Olea europaea, the vineyard and the cork oak Quercus suber appear, in a mosaic valued for more undergrowth and rare vegetation in which ten and a half of spontaneous orchid species.
Created 22/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Penas Roias (2)

Views: 138
Penas Róias is a small but traditional village in the northeast of Trás-os-Montes, whose main elements of historical interest are Torre do Castelo and its Mother Church. Places of interest are also the manometer (sanctuary), the Fraga da Cetra, the chapels of Misericórdia, Nossa Senhora das Dores and Santa Cruz and fountains.
Created 22/09/2020 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal