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Church Interiors (37)

Views: 17278
With their special lighting conditions, the interiors of churches are always a great challenge. On the one hand, the room should be displayed as naturally as possible, on the other hand, one has to struggle with extreme differences in brightness. At the same time, colorful glass windows produce colored light reflections on the walls, which appear completely unnatural in the picture. In addition to the religious aspect, churches are always an expression of zeitgeist, art and power. While the powerful were able to afford the best builders and artists of their time, there were also communities in small towns and villages that left us with evidence of great art. If a religion or its affiliates were repressed, the respective places of worship were in many cases further used and adapted to the new religion. Here you will also find examples of former churches that are now used as mosques or in other ways.
Created 03/07/2018 by Heiner Straesser -