Arcen Castle inner courtyard
Arcen Castle was built in its present form in the 17th century by the dukes of Geldern. The outer bailey is surrounded by a moat. The courtyard of the castle can be reached via a small bridge through the main portal of this outer bailey. Attraction point are the castle gardens, the entrance is anything but cheap. (Price today, June 2023 19.90 Euro). No discount for retired persons with a low income.
Schloss Arcen, Innenhof und Eingang
Eingang zum Innenhof des Schlosses Arcen Schloss Arcen wurde in seiner heutigen Form im 17. Jahrhundert von den Herzögen von Geldern erbaut. Die Vorburg ist von einem Wassergraben umgeben. Durch das Hauptportal dieser Vorburg gelangt man über eine kleine Brücke in den Burghof. Anziehungspunkt sind die Schlossgärten, deren Eintritt alles andere als günstig ist. (Preis heute, Juni 2023 19,90 Euro). Es gibt keinen Rabatt für Rentner mit einer Hungerrente.
Kasteel Arcen binnenplats entree
Kasteel Arcen werd in zijn huidige vorm in de 17e eeuw gebouwd door de hertogen van Geldern. De voorburcht is omgeven door een gracht. De binnenplaats van het kasteel is te bereiken via een kleine brug via het hoofdportaal van deze voorburcht. Attractiepunt zijn de kasteeltuinen, de toegang is alles behalve goedkoop. (Prijs vandaag, Juni 2023 19.90 Euro). Geen korting voor AOWers met hunker-uitkering.
Europe is generally agreed to be the birthplace of western culture, including such legendary innovations as the democratic nation-state, football and tomato sauce.The word Europe comes from the Greek goddess Europa, who was kidnapped by Zeus and plunked down on the island of Crete. Europa gradually changed from referring to mainland Greece until it extended finally to include Norway and Russia.Don't be confused that Europe is called a continent without looking like an island, the way the other continents do. It's okay. The Ural mountains have steadily been there to divide Europe from Asia for the last 250 million years. Russia technically inhabits "Eurasia".Europe is presently uniting into one political and economic zone with a common currency called the Euro. The European Union originated in 1993 and is now composed of 27 member states. Its headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium.Do not confuse the EU with the Council of Europe, which has 47 member states and dates to 1949. These two bodies share the same flag, national anthem, and mission of integrating Europe. The headquarters of the Council are located in Strasbourg, France, and it is most famous for its European Court of Human Rights. In spite of these two bodies, there is still no single Constitution or set of laws applying to all the countries of Europe. Debate rages over the role of the EU in regards to national sovereignty. As of January 2009, the Lisbon Treaty is the closest thing to a European Constitution, yet it has not been approved by all the EU states. Text by Steve Smith.