Ruiguang Pagoda, Suzhou is an octagonal structure that was built of both brick and wood. The body of Ruiguang Pagoda, Suzhou is made up of bricks, but the roof space, balconies and banisters were made of wood. The stone Sumeru pedestal is embroidered with carved patterns that look beautiful.
The height of Ruiguang Pagoda, Suzhou is 43.2 meters. The tower of the pagoda was broken by a strong wind in June 1879 and the pent roofs have become ruined too but recently it was developed and renovated also.
In April 1978 many cultural signs were found in a brick inside the third storey of Ruiguang Pagoda, Suzhou. It included two gilded bronze stupas or structures, nine statues of Guardian of the Earth and Goddess of Mercy and other Buddhist images. There are also more than one hundred twenty volumes of Buddhist scriptures and a pillar decorated with Buddha's name and scriptures. The 122.6 centimeter pillar, with pearls and precious beads and a combination of the art of jade sculpture, gold and silver ware, wood carving, gold tracing and carved polish work, is regarded as a rare treasure of great value. All these precious things are now kept in the Suzhou Museum. This pagoda is one of the main tourist attractions in Suzhou.
There is a long history of Ruiguang Pagoda, Suzhou. It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period Sun Quan, the king of Wu, ordered the construction of Puji Temple for a monk. In order to convey his gratitude to his mother, Sun Quan built a thirteen storey Sarira pagoda inside the temple in 247 BC. This was the first Buddhist pagoda in Suzhou.
The pagoda was in a poor condition because of its neglect over many years by the Five Dynasties that ruled. In 937 BC, during the Later Jin Dynasty, when major repairs were going on, brilliant rays of five colors were seen above the pagoda. The emperor granted that a bronze board with the inscription Rui Guang Ta to be hung on the pagoda. Since then the pagoda has been known as Pagoda of Auspicious Light.
From 1119 to 1125, when the pagoda was again in bad shape, a wealthy man provided funds for its renovation. He thought thirteen stories were too high and so he changed the structure to seven stories.
江苏位于长江、淮河下游,黄海、东海之滨,北接山东,西连安徽,东南与上海、浙江接壤,是长江三角洲地区的重要组成部分,介于东经116°18′-121°57′,北纬30°45′-35°20′之间。得名于清朝江宁府和苏州府二府之首字。是中国人口密度最高的省份之一,总面积10.26万平方千米,占全国总面积的1.11%,连绵近1000千米的海岸线拥抱着约980万亩的黄金滩涂。境内平原辽阔,土地肥沃,物产丰富,江河湖泊密布,五大淡水湖中的太湖、洪泽湖在此横卧,历史上素有“鱼米之乡”的美誉,江苏的简称“苏”的繁体字原本就是此意。 江苏历史悠久。这里是中国吴文化和汉文化的发祥地,早在数十万年前南京一带就已经是人类聚居之地。6000多年前,南京和太湖附近以及徐州和洪泽湖附近就已经出现了原始村落,开始了原始农业生产。3000多年前,江苏青铜器的冶炼和锻造,已达到很高的技术水平。公元3-6世纪,南京成为中国南方的经济文化中心。公元7-10世纪以后,全国经济重心南移,有所谓“天下大计,仰于东南”的说法,扬州成为全国最繁华的城市。公元14-17世纪中叶以后,苏州、松江和南京等地,成为我国资本主义萌芽的发祥地。19世纪末叶,缫丝、纺织、面粉、采煤等近代工业,在无锡、南通、苏州、常州、徐州等地陆续兴起。此后,江苏的经济、社会发展在中国一直名列前茅。