The Giant Triton shell, Charonia tritonis, is one of the most valuable molluscs on the coral reefs of the tropical Pacific. Unfortunately it's "value" has two flavours.
Economically, the beauty of it's shell dooms this glorious creature to dusty shelves of shell factories and shell collectors. Islanders, too, collect the Triton to eat and to make into ceremonial trumpets. No triton is safe on the reefs for every person who sees one grabs it - either for fun or profit - killing it with delight at their own good fortune.
Environmentally, the value of the Giant Triton is far greater than the pretty prices paid by shell enthusiasts. The Triton preys on starfish and especially likes to pounce on the very thorny Crown of Thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci. A reef without tritons is very much like a person without sufficient cancer killing cells. Sooner or later the Crown of Thorns will undergo a population bloom on a reef, just as periodically some of our own cells turn cancerous. Without predatory controls, these population blooms increase rapidly and the cancerous growth of thousands of starfish literally devours the living coral tissues that sustain the ecology of the coral reefs.
This particular triton is nominally protected because it is within the Ilot Maitre marine reserve where visitors are not allowed to take or kill any living creature. Nobody knows for sure how long tritons live, possibly a very long time if they are left to themselves. The largest tritons are about half a metre long. The one in this photo is only 30-cm long but it's thickened shell and erosion of the apex made me think it was already pretty old.
Freddy and I left the shell where it was - wishing it well and hoping that its somewhat drab appearance will protect it from avid collectors who might be prepared to ignore the laws that forbid it's collection. With luck it will continue to protect the colorful living corals that surround it for many years. And with luck you might see it yourself if you visit Escapade Island Resort New Caledonia and go for a snorkel on this reef.
努美阿是南太平洋岛国新喀里多尼亚的首府和度假旅游中心。虽然这是一座“法国”城市,但其91000名居民却有着非常复杂的文化背景,法国、美拉尼西亚、波利尼西亚、印尼、越南等文化在这里交相辉映。新喀里多尼亚 60% 以上的人口居住在努美阿。 努美阿是一个位于大地岛西南端的半岛,其中央商业区(市中心)毗邻南太平洋最好的天然港口。半岛的泻湖一侧有两处风景如画、覆盖着白色沙滩的海湾,分别为安斯巴塔海湾和柠檬湾。这一对“双子海湾”是新喀里多尼亚的国际旅游之都,在凯城酒店的陆地一侧是林立的酒店、餐馆和酒吧。法国人于1854年最先来此定居。努美阿至今仍在政治上与法国保持着紧密的联系。这里有非常好的学校和公共设施——公园、娱乐场所、晨练小径、学校和医疗设施等。今天这里已成为南太平洋发展最快的城市。努美阿有23家一星至五星级酒店和超过100家餐馆。 新喀里多尼亚酒店网上参观 新喀里多尼亚酒店网上参观